Thursday, May 2, 2013

We are constantly being battled as we follow the call of Christ on each of our lives. Especially when we have yet to 'hear' the call! How do YOU focus, concentrate, and begin listening as you are quietly waiting your next step?
I continually attempt to follow the path ahead, keeping my gaze fixed, not looking left or right to be detoured by the enemy.... in teaching classes, speaking to women, allowing myself to be vulnerable and yet awakened to each lead from the spirit...
I am not accountable for the wrongs of my childhood or current life, done to me,
I am only accountable for what I do with them...
What will you do for the kingdom, how will you be 'God's Skin' to another, and another, and yet another....?
Blessings, Princess. You deserve them!

Purposefully Positioned,

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