Sunday, September 8, 2013

For my girl Savannah.... you are amazing and I know that you will rise above and shine your testimony for Christ....

......we shall sing this, raise our hands in testimony of this... together. God is bringing your through it not dragging, not pulling, but leading you. Many prayers, love, and hope....stand strong, and while you look for strength to stand strong - ask for help. Today in service Pastor pointed out that when Mary M went back to the tomb it was while it was still 'dark'.... dark.... He rose in the dark, not the light of sunrise, with no one around, no trumpets or worshipers, just He and His Father.... In this time of 'dark', I pray you find the tomb empty and the linens of death laying empty, that you are surrounded by the angels of Michael to protect you as you enter the room to speak truth, seeking justice, receiving mercy.... God has a plan in all this and I am certain without a doubt that you are an instrument of Christ in this. Even if it is an instrument to just you. (altho it has already touched many).... Sleep well my friend, you are a daughter of the King, a royal Princess, above the enemy, filled with the power - the same power - that rose our Savior from the tomb and will return for us someday! You, too, are....

Purposefully Positioned,

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