Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It is truly amazing how a small article or a passage of scripture can wake you up from a self induced slumber of passiveness! I was totally brought out of a shaded place today with one of the devotions I read everyday.  I am so thankful for that.
Do you speak life into someone's daily routine? Or are you just living? Have you made changes in your thought processes and decision making or are you still in that place of awe that there is a God who loves you? No matter where you are at this very moment, this very day... you still have the option of change. Yes, we have a choice - you also have to put action to those choices. No heavenly being comes down and actually moves things out of your way, spiritually, emotionally, or naturally! You have to take steps to see that change, live that change, and cause change.
I am back and more dedicated than ever before.... keeping in mind that everything comes 'line upon line...." that comes from the Lord.... no condemnation, no guilt!
Purposefully Positioned,

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