Wednesday, October 1, 2014

So I am challenged by my sweet friend Charlotte..... 31 days of blogging. Wow. What do I have to say that would engage even one person to follow that for 31 days!!

Well... I have decided to give this a try. They say after 21 days you form a habit, perhaps we both will be better bloggers after this!

So join me.... in a journey through Strength.....

Day 1 :

Power made perfect in my weakness. What a statement. What a gift. What a promise.

We all have days when we feel weak, hesitant, and doubtful about the direction of our lives, relationships, and responsibilities. Even our faith.
It can seem like nothing has ever bee,n or ever will be, this challenging. It is in those moments it can feel difficult to find the promise of strength, power, or courage.

Strength comes with prerequisites.... faith, grace, mercy, courage, to mention a few.

It isn't an everyday thing that we are left feeling weak, tired, or hopeless. But when those days arrive, it is so comforting to know that the power that comes from our God, is perfect in the midst of of that very weakness.

Purposefully Positioned

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